It’s commonly used to display the testimonial elements in an infinite-moving carousel.

Screenshot of a horizontal testimonial carousel on Desktop preview
Screenshot of a horizontal testimonial carousel on Desktop preview

/Here is a preview of the end result:

How it’s built:

I built this section using the Infobox block as a testimonial container and CSS animation.

Screenshot of the Kadence blocks dashboard showing the structure of the Horizontal Carousel Testimonial
Screenshot of the Kadence blocks dashboard showing the structure of the Horizontal Carousel Testimonial

This is the CSS I used:

/* Infinite Testimonial Carousel */
/* Adding overflow hidden and display flex for the parent container */
.infinite-testimonial .kt-inside-inner-col {
   overflow: hidden;
   margin: 0 auto;
/* adding width and animation for the child element */
.infinite-testimonial .testimonial-box {
   min-width: 450px; 
   animation: slide 40s linear infinite;

@keyframes slide {
  0% {
    transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
  100% {
    transform: translate3d(-1500px, 0, 0);   }

(This infinite animated carousel can be used using this type of structure and any other blocks as children: Text, Image).

You can find everything in action on my KadenceWP Demo Web site: Infinite Testimonial Carousel.

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